GSP is our favorite airport; our team flies out of the airport multiple times a year and we always have an amazing experience. We even met our producer, Emmy, at a terminal in GSP. When the airport reached out to us with the opportunity to pitch a series of videos for them, we were thrilled.
With the incredible improvements already made to the airport in the last decade, and some amazing plans for expansion, GSP needed to not only refresh their advertising, but also create a series of internal videos for employees and board members.
Our first deliverable for the airport was a 12-minute documentary about their history and future plans. After delivering this video, and with only a single day of filming in the completed, the Covid-19 pandemic caused us to cancel our additional 3 days of filming.
Though we would not be able to bring in actors or spotlight the many incredible amenities GSP has (many of them were now closed), we and the team at GSP knew that now, more than ever, the airport would be in need of marketing assets. GSP’s marketing team created a new script while we re-purposed the footage from the documentary and hired voice-over talent to create a new commercial.
While it’s not the series of ads we had planned, we’re proud of the final product because it’s a standing testament to partnering with a client in collective vision, adaptability, and ingenuity. The experience was not ideal, but we were able to work with the amazing team at GSP to create something special, regardless of the circumstances.
These videos (and different iterations of them) can now be seen all over GSP. It’s impossible to fly in or out of the airport without crossing our work, which is an incredible reminder and encouragement to us every time we do.