We’re constantly sharpening our skills, experimenting creatively, and pushing the boundaries to expand our capacity. That means we’re always creating.
Our sandbox is the place we put all the projects we’ve used to play around and try new things. Over time, some of these may seem old or small-scale, but the sandbox stands as a testament to our constant drive to progress.
We’ve visited Marshall Ranch in Reno, NV a number of times for a client to document the progression, transformation, and special events that occur on that land. Each time we stay a little longer than needed with our cameras, unable to easily relinquish the opportunity for adventure… and great photos. This is a collection of photos (some from paid work, others from our own excursions out West) that we frankly just don’t know where else to put.
In 2020, we simultaneously moved our offices to a new area and director Micah Taylor picked up a film camera for the first time. A year later, he tried his hand at his first film photography project: a series of portraits featuring the people our company is most closely connected with, our crew and our new neighbors in the E. North Street area of Greenville.
Short Film
Forest Adventure
We bought a rather expensive custom puppet for a commercial. When the commercial fell through, we didn’t want this guy (and our actors’ time) to go to waste, so we threw this short film together in 2 days. It went on to be an Official Selection at 4 film festivals, winning Best Short at one and Best of the Fest at another.
Zoe and her monster friend Zee embark on your every-day educational exploration when things take a turn for the worse.
When a wildfire began to spread around the blue ridge mountains, teams of wildfire fighters came from all over the country to help get it under control. Carter Tippins traveled out to the burn line–with the help and cooperation of the firefighters and the national guard–to document the bravery, determination, and grit on black and white film.
Bury the Hatchet
Two estranged brothers begrudgingly gather for their annual hunting trip, where a chance encounter forces them to a crossroads.
Semi-Finalist as Los Angeles Cinefest
Like all of the mill neighborhoods in Greenville, West Greenville is undergoing a dramatic transformation in the landscape, architecture, homes, and buildings. The concept of this project was to capture the unique vignettes and small slices of character that abide in the mill village today. Captured on 120 film and shot in a single summer afternoon.
Shelter County
In a haunting southern town, a new police officer is tasked with informing a young woman of her husband’s grisly murder, but battles with his own convictions when he becomes suspicious the widow might have played a role in her husband’s death.
Our first ever short film shot in 2015... and still one of our most awarded with 6 film festival Official Selections and 2 wins: Best Short Film and Audience Award.
Shot as a mix of 120 film and digital at Kings Collective studio with makeup and hair by Latia Curtis.